from George Matthews, Victoria County Elections Administrator:
May 6, 2015
The City of Victoria council members election of 2015 will be the first election using a new Election Night Reporting website. The site will provide regular updates of the votes cast in the election during the evening. A link to the site is already active at the Victoria County Elections website.
Go to<> and select Elections. Then click on ELECTION NIGHT REPORTING.
Beginning after the polls close the votes cast for each candidate during early voting by mail and early voting in person will be posted to the site. Then periodically, as the returns are delivered to the Elections Office, the site will be updated. All results will be “Unofficial” until after the election is canvassed by city council at which time the final numbers will be posted to the site.
Interested individuals will be able to see mail voting, early voting in person and Election Day voting. Precinct breakdowns will be included as polling locations report in during the evening.
A precinct map of the city is included as a feature to see voter turnout and polling place reporting.
For more information contact the Elections Office at 576-0124 or<>