A Message from the County Chair
Friends and neighbors,
November brought resounding victories across Texas. Thanks to your support, we had even greater success locally! This is truly a time of momentum for our local party.
This year has been an active year as we are already working toward a successful 2016. One of our goals this year is to keep you better informed with all the progress we are making as a local party. We hope this monthly newsletter helps to serve that purpose. But we’d also like to hear from you. Feel free to contact us with your thoughts and ideas and let us know what issues are important to you.
Michael Cloud
County Chair
Meeting Recap
At the Victoria GOP April meeting, a presentation was provided concerning School Choice legislation. Hon. Kent Grusendorf of the Texas Public Policy Foundation’s Center for Education Freedom presented information from the latest studies showing effect School Choice has in improving both private and public education outcomes.
Don’t Forget! Monday, May 18th 5:30-7pm is the next VGOP meeting at the Victoria GOP Headquarters (115 South Main) in Downtown Victoria.
Election Night Reporting
The Victoria GOP has been working with the Victoria County government and elections office to improve election night reporting. We researched several options with the goal of increasing the speed at which detailed results are made available to the public and for allowing these results to be immediately available online. This new and improved system has been installed and was used to report on the recent city council election. You can check out the capabilities of the new system by viewing the election results here.
Flag Day Community Picnic | June 14, 4-7pm, Fossati Park
Mark your calendars! Sunday, June 14th 4-7pm is the bi-annual Flag Day Community Picnic at Fossati Park. Come celebrate our rich national heritage with fellow community members at the family-friendly Americana community event. Hotdogs, ice cream, face painting, music, games and more! Please contact the Event Committee Chair, Janice Ohrt, if you’d like to help out with this event.
Outreach Event | May 30th, 9:30am-Noon, Meet at VGOP HQ
Get those walking shoes ready! Saturday, May 30th, meet at the VGOP (115 South Main) at 9:30am for refreshments before block walking from 10am until noon. Don’t miss this critical opportunity to be a part of an amazing grassroots team that will work to connect and educate our neighbors. Training is provided.
Victoria Young Republicans Are Back!
Last month we held our kick off meeting and had a great turnout of enthusiast young adults ready to make a difference. Young Republican is an organization of 18-40 year olds looking to broaden their knowledge and understanding of current political and local issues as well as find opportunities to be involved in the process. To find out more contact Keith Suarez or “like” the Facebook page.
The Victoria County Republican Party runs entirely on the efforts of volunteer supporters like you! If you are interested in finding out how you can work to keep our state and country strong, fill out our volunteer interest inventory to see where you might best fit.
Our committee chairs are also looking for volunteers to join their committees. They would love to hear from you if you are interested in finding out more about a specific committee you might serve on.
Volunteer/HQ Committee: Jackie Dick
Outreach Committee: Lee De La Garza
Events Committee: Janice Ohrt
Communications Committee: Brian Cruickshanks
Finance Committee: Daniel Goyen
Headquarters Sponsors
Special thanks to our Headquarters Sponsors:
The Victoria GOP depends on the generosity of sponsors to keep our headquarters running and active. Contact us if you would like to find out more about being a sponsor.