Dear Friends and Neighbors,

Welcome to the

Victoria GOP | Victoria County Republican Party

Thank you for having an interest in the Victoria County Republican Party.

We welcome you and hope to see you at our monthly meetings usually at UHV North Building, 3007 Ben Wilson, Victoria, on the 3rd Monday of the month.  
5 PM Social
5:30 PM Meeting starts

We have various events and get-out-the-vote drives and we always need volunteers. Please join us!

The Republican Party is good for Victoria and our County, so please consider joining our organization. You will enjoy the friends you meet and the positive information you will get!


Be the spark that makes a difference. Let us know how you would like to participate and we will be in touch.

We have openings for Precinct Chairs, please consider volunteering.

 A precinct chair attends a one-hour meeting monthly, helps organize their neighborhood to vote Republican, and is the basic building block of our party to promote a grassroots effort to win elections.

The position is not difficult nor does it take a lot of time. You might be surprised how much fun it might be!

Call Bill Pozzi 361.727.7029 for more details.


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Register to Vote

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Upcoming Events


Your contribution helps to keep our GOP Headquarters operational, empowers volunteers, & supports local campaign efforts.

Election Information

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